Furthermore you can do install distributions like Alpine and run them: $ docker pull alpineīin dev etc home lib media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr varĪlpine latest 3fb3c9af89a9 5 weeks ago 5.32MB You'll then notice that after you successfully set it up and run docker run hello-world that it does work. The key, however, is to just use Docker itself with something like a tutorial from here: This tries to run a nested virtualization scenario and Apple does not have this instruction set available on the M1 series of Apple Silicon devices. The catch or hang up that people are hitting is when they try to use "Docker Desktop" on Ubuntu (instead of directly on macOS).

There was a question below about whether or not Docker can work with Ubuntu 22.04 on Apple Silicon. Expand Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/Tools/.Navigate to /Applications/ and change to List view.Note: initially I installed Parallels Tools before installing the graphical user interface, but if you install it after the installation of ubuntu-desktop or even kde-standard/full/whatever then copy paste, etc.Use ISO: mount Parallels ARM64 tools ISO and install: